Our Services
Looking for a reliable water treatment engineer to repair or service your filtration equipment?
We cover the UK, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and where possible we will use the same engineer from previous visits, so they are familiar with the site and equipment.
We don't just service, repair or install water filtration equipment, we also supply spares and consumables.
Need replacement cartridges, new seals or to change some pipework? Get in touch to see
how we can help.
We offer full mechanical and electrical installation of water treatment equipment via our own project engineers or through our recommended sub-contractors.
UK, Scotland, Wales and Ireland covered.
Professionally managed projects.
CAD / 3D SolidWorks drawings (available on request).
PLC's monitored remotely: reducing callout charges, increasing response times.
O&M Manuals (available on request).
Not only do we offer installation of new equipment, we can also arrange to remove an existing plant or modify the current pipework if the new equipment is in addition to an existing plant.
We offer to maintain and monitor the performance of your new or existing equipment to ensure it meets your exact requirements. This can be done on an as need basis or by taking out one of our service contracts.
Our service contracts can be taken out annually, bi-annually or quarterly depending on how critical the water is to production. We can agree a schedule in advance or undertake a visit on request.
We are capable of repairing water treatment equipment both mechanically and electrically. Our engineers are conversant with most ion exchange and membrane technologies as used on both pure and grey water treatment systems and are trained in all types of water treatment valves, such as Fleck, Autotrol, Clack and Siata.
We make every effort to respond to emergency call out repairs and breakdowns as quickly as possible.
Your existing water treatment equipment may still be functional but may require either upgrading or refurbishment. PWEL can offer engineering services to refurbish existing equipment when practical, either on or off site.
If a new plant is required, we will find a suitable replacement and recommend a product based on your financial or environmental requirements or company preferences.
Commissioning / De-Commissioning
Any new water treatment equipment supplied by PWEL is fully supported and commissioned by our engineers following installation and a commissioning report is completed confirming the status of the equipment.
PWEL can also undertake the de-commissioning of redundant existing equipment prior to either its removal from site or mechanical and electrical isolation.
Test certificates are available on request.
Water Analysis
Prior to deciding on any new water treatment equipment it is necessary to establish the quality of the water to be treated.
Alternatively if you are experiencing issues such as scale deposition or corrosion in an existing process, PWEL can provide a full water analysis pertinent to the application and make recommendations as to the required water treatment solutions.